Monday, December 28, 2009

Diabetic Diet Sheet Can You Help With A Diet Sheet For Type 2 Diabetes?

Can you help with a diet sheet for type 2 diabetes? - diabetic diet sheet

I'm not a diabetic, but my chemotherapy and steroids have disturbed my blood sugar - from 29.5 times in 3.1! I was to be released with metformin extended to try to control them. I continue to ask what should and should not eat, but I keep hearing - only a healthy diet! I'm already here and it is clear that there need to know. I knew that someone is already Type 2 with a sandwich at a particular time of day to eat and avoid certain foods used. Please help - It's bad enough trying to survive Stage 4 colon cancer that has spread both my lungs and my liver, and deep vein thrombosis me as a side effect of chemotherapy, so be patient for the pig type 2 diabetes and the side effects!

Help! and thanks.

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