Friday, December 11, 2009

Information On Cancer More Condition_symptoms Hello There, Ive Read Alot Of Information Regarding Cervical Cancer However I Seem To Be Reading Different?

Hello there, ive read alot of information regarding cervical cancer however i seem to be reading different? - information on cancer more condition_symptoms

I am looking for information, the actual percentage of increased risk if a woman has had the HPV virus ... and how old is the cancer of the cervix will be made public?

Thanks in advance

1 comment:

Denisedd... said...

You do not find an exact percentage for an increased risk for several reasons. HPV is only one risk factor, all others are included or not? There are over 60 types of HPV you? Most people infected with HPV, but most people do not have cancer of the cervix.

The average age of diagnosis is 48, with a peak incidence (over 26%) aged 35-44 years, fell to 23% for 45-54 years. This is a rare form of cancer, the risk declines with age. Only 7% are diagnosed at the age of 70.

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