Saturday, December 12, 2009

Enlarged Ovary More Condition_symptoms Pelvic Pain, Enlarged Ovary: Not Cyst Or Fibroids?

Pelvic Pain, Enlarged Ovary: Not Cyst or Fibroids? - enlarged ovary more condition_symptoms

I am 22 and I have a pain in the pelvic area Chornice almost immediately on the right side of my hip bones. It gets worse during my period, during and after intercourse, and if he coughs, laughter, or using the toilet.

When he began to violate the first that I had a little egg-shaped lump in the region. I went to the emergency room and gave me a pat on the head, and said it was likely that the lymph nodes.

During my next tank brougt that. My doctor discovered my right ovary is enlarged and he sent me an ultrasound. He found nothing. Then they gave me an ultrasound procedure.

I still could not find anything. Were excluded, fibroids, cysts and endometriosis. Basically, I told myself well and no worries, but it has been two years! I am particularly concerned about fertility.

Has anyone had a similar experience?

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