Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Intestinal Blockage Please Help Me Answer How Pressurized Chamber Can Help To Avoid Some Dangers In Removing Intestinal Blockage?

Please help me answer how pressurized chamber can help to avoid some dangers in removing intestinal blockage? - intestinal blockage

surgical removal of a bowel obstruction is that the intestine may burst explosively cut the risk of an abdominal infection.

1 comment:

vic91106 said...

The intestine is composed of a tube open at both ends.
If there is a danger of leakage of material, because there is pressure inside the intestine repressed. The external pressure exerted on the intestine long enough, so high, would reduce the tendency of the material in the flight. The external pressure must be equal to or greater than the pressure inside the bowel, prevent material from escaping.
Good luck.

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