Why is my kitten's upper lip swollen? - kitten swollen lip
It is five months old, and the upper lip is swollen in the last three full days. It is inflated by both sides. It seems in any pain, has trouble eating and no lethargy or fever. This afternoon, I spent the lips and noticed that there are some stains on the lip meets the gum. It is dark green, white and stains. No other symptoms ...
A few other notes: It is a cat in, I have (some other cats who knows nothing of this kind), and he's teething problems. Their adult canines only break the surface of the gum now, so I'm not sure if this is related or not.
It may well be the feline eosinophilic granuloma complex, or better known as rodent ulcer known. In addition to mosquito-allergy cat, cats tend to have ECG skin infections in allergy, infection of the external parasites or possibly lichen or another.
Please bring your cat to the vet for a correct diagnosis can be made.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feline_eosi ...
Our cat had no infection, but she had the lip of rodents. It was the use of plastic dishes. When we go to China, never again during an outbreak.
Try it and then take the cat to the vet for the cutting edge.
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