It is brutal to torture a man but it is even more brutal to torture a woman. What is your view about this? - woman torture chicken
This is not an intelligent question. To start your sex. The level of brutality, torture does not depend on the sex of the person being tortured
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Woman Torture Chicken It Is Brutal To Torture A Man But It Is Even More Brutal To Torture A Woman. What Is Your View About This?
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Very Bright Contacts I Have Very Dark Brown (almost Black) Eyes. Can I Make Them As Bright Green As I Want To With Eye Contacts?
I have very dark brown (almost black) eyes. Can I make them as bright green as I want to with eye contacts? - very bright contacts
I have very dark (almost black) eyes. Can I do my light green eyes from contacts?
If yes, please let me know how much it would cost.
Thank you. =]
Friday, January 29, 2010
Doxie Air Force Transport What Is The Best Carrier/case For Air Travel With My Doxie?
What is the best carrier/case for air travel with my Doxie? - doxie air force transport
I travel with my doxie from New Jersey to Florida by JetBlue. I need help finding the best companies to stay for this dog. It must remain at the company headquarters and flight duration. If anyone knows or experiences with this, please help me pick the best airline for my doxie is comfortable and quiet. THANK YOU!
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Ls Magazine #31 Builders Why Are Fox News Viewers Among The Least Informed?
Why are Fox News viewers among the least informed? - ls magazine #31 builders
__________________ HM L
NATIONAL ------------ 35 31 34
DailyShow/Colbert------54 25 21
Main News websites ---- 54 26 20
PBS NewsHour ---------- 53 19 28
O'Reilly Factor ----------- 51 32 17
Radio Nacional Pub ----- 51 27 22
Rush Limbaugh 50 29 21 ----------
News Magazines -------- 48 27 25
TV news websites ------- 44 33 23
Daily Press -------- 43 31 26
CNN Canal ------------ 41 30 29
News Portals ------ 41 35 24
Network News ----------- 38 33 29
Blogs online news ------ 37 26 37
Local TV News ---------- 35 33 32
Fox News Channel ----- 35 30 35
Shows the network of tomorrow - 34 36 30
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Less Sensation In Leg I Am Having Tingly/sharp Pain In My Pelvic Area. Should I Be Concerned About This?
I am having tingly/sharp pain in my pelvic area. Should I be concerned about this? - less sensation in leg
I have been diagnosed with endometriosis about 1.5 years, and I'm almost always in pain, the pain a few days ago has broadcast a less severe pain with a tingling sensation down the legs and back. It's like the feeling when your foot goes to sleep accompanied by severe pain (my pain normal). The feeling comes and goes with my pain.
I take the pill, so you should not ovulate.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Meridia More Drug_side_effects Is It Safe To Take Chantix (smoking Cessation Drug) And Meridia Simultaneously?
Is it safe to take Chantix (smoking cessation drug) and Meridia simultaneously? - meridia more drug_side_effects
Is it safe to take Chantix (medical smoking) and Meridia stop time? I'm on Chantix (4 weeks ago, it should be 12 weeks) and a prescription for Meridia. Both of these effects on the brain. Chantix blocks the receptors, which is a great reward of dopamine in the smoke and Meridia said that "affect the appetite control centers of the brain."
Monday, January 25, 2010
My Psoriasis How Do Can You Get Rid Of Psoriasis On You Head And Legs?
How do can you get rid of psoriasis on you head and legs? - my psoriasis
I have psoriasis on the head, the casue into flakes and legs, me to scratch it. Is there anything on the counter to get rid of him?
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Blade Runner Rc Which Mini Rc Helicopter Should I Buy Theres So Many Can Someone Give Me Some Help?
Which mini rc helicopter should i buy theres so many can someone give me some help? - blade runner rc
Please can someone help me, I want to buy a micro RC helicopter, but I do not buy the Blade Runner, picoz, so please help micro mosquito
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Replace Starter Solenoid How Do You Replace A Starter Solenoid On A 1997 Ford F-150?
How do you replace a starter solenoid on a 1997 Ford F-150? - replace starter solenoid
This model has 2.On years starter.Unhook on defense and on the right side battery before you on a good defense start.If by unlocking and removing all wires.Then Disconnect the 2 screws to replace with which the solenoid valve to well. Then Brass Fender with the new defense and hook everything back enough reasons to recommend the place of parents, I pulled the starter of the car, so you can see what your doing.Unhook the battery, unbolt the wire, start your entry out.If is remove the 2 screws holding your head in (one above and below), then pull the starter bad starter solenoid valves, we recommend the starter and everything is ok, because its going to wear a little have him.
Backyard Playsets What Are General Backyard Privacy Laws?
What are general backyard privacy laws? - backyard playsets
Neighbor of my sister complains that my 9-year-old niece made a lot of noise in the courtyard during the day. He also complained and asked for my sister to the playground at the top of the fence is take ... All Fencing Playsets are listed above all other neighbors around the house, my sister has one. The children in the courtyard at the rear of their formation and greet all the time, my sister, do not hurt anyone or anything! In any case, this woman can do anything legal for my sister have to do on the playground?
Friday, January 22, 2010
Fire Truck Toddler Bed I Am Trying To Buy A Tractor Shaped Or Themed Bed For My Son.twin Or Toddler.cant Find One Under 800$ Anywhere
I am trying to buy a tractor shaped or themed bed for my son.twin or toddler.cant find one under 800$ anywhere - fire truck toddler bed
I want to buy a tractor bed children without investing a fortune. I believe that I have a bed with other themes (fire trucks, bulldozers, cars, etc., can be found.) For $ 250, but no tractor. Please help and thank you for your suggestions
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Wedding Shower Thank You Cards Greeting And Salutation For Group Wedding Shower Thank You Card?
Greeting and salutation for group wedding shower thank you card? - wedding shower thank you cards
My Labor Department gave us a wedding shower and I'm not sure how to start or stop the law. Would make I do not use the name of the department - it seems impersonal, but "Dear Friends" sounds like a speech. I do not know how it ended. I do not know how the "honesty would" - "Thanks again" agree?
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
What Are Wedgies I Really Like Wedgies, So How Do I Get Some From The Otherkidsat School On Purpose?
I really like wedgies, so how do I get some from the otherkidsat school on purpose? - what are wedgies
I love all types of wedgie way, I wear something happen readyto wedgie!
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Toaster Orange Help! I Broke My Toaster, Can You Help Me?
Help! I broke my toaster, can you help me? - toaster orange
While I was doing my toast, I noticed that the heating coils in heat Toast Orange Glow. I wondered how it was so hot that I see a spoon against a coil, as it was hot, had. The second I touched it, is considered the bread, and now every time I do not remain the lever and not warm. How do I solve this problem?
Monday, January 18, 2010
Online Smoke Shop Question About Online Smoke Shops....?
Question about online smoke shops....? - online smoke shop
Do you know a website of smoke in the store, you can pay with American Express?
Also, how safe it is from these pages?
Which pages are cheaper to send?
I just want a small glass tube.
Thank you in advance.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Silk Door Wreaths On Runescape, How Do U Open The Magic Door, In The Underground Mine, For The Dragon Slayer Quest?
On runescape, how do u open the magic door, in the underground mine, for the dragon slayer quest? - silk door wreaths
I laready silk, pot, unfired bowl, and the bomb in the mind magician, and went to see the person in Montes ice
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Light Up Air Force Ones What Color Are The Lights On The Nike Air Force One Light-ups?
What color are the lights on the Nike Air Force One Light-ups? - light up air force ones
I want the Air Force in light shoes, but I do not know what the color of the lighting. In the photos, a few red lights and other blue lights. Make color replacement shoes or just a color?
Friday, January 15, 2010
Strep Throat In Infants What Are Symptoms For Strep Throat In Infants?
What are symptoms for strep throat in infants? - strep throat in infants
What are the symptoms of sore throat over a period of four months of age
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Suburban Tire Pressure How Do I Reset Tire Pressure Senser On 2004 Chevy Suburban Z71?
How do i reset tire pressure senser on 2004 chevy suburban z71? - suburban tire pressure
if something like the restoration of the Impala, tower in the key position or launching. Once done, then the parking lights on and off times. be reset. Make sure that inflation before you is so true. Good luck!
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Oslo Norway Map Looking For A Street Address In Norway. "sinsemterrassent". Is This A Street In Oslo, Norway?
Looking for a street address in Norway. "sinsemterrassent". is this a street in Oslo, Norway? - oslo norway map
I have the spelling? Is there another way to find the map with Google Earth? namely sights?
Thank you.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Ap Bio Dna Fingerprinting Lab Answers Help Please For AP BIO Transformation Lab And DNA Fingerprinting Lab?
Help please for AP BIO Transformation Lab and DNA fingerprinting Lab? - ap bio dna fingerprinting lab answers
Please help me answer these questions:
1) What other methods can be used to verify this transformation occurred? Explaining.
2) In his lab, carried in their DNA samples in agarose gel at 0.8%. They want the same results when you run your samples in an agarose gel a higher percentage? Why or why not?
3) When a restriction enzyme that cuts a piece of DNA in two recognition sites, how many DNA fragments seen in a gel?
Thank you =]
Monday, January 11, 2010
Does Provigil Make You Speed Provigil. Is It Just A New Type Of Speed?
Provigil. Is it just a new type of speed? - does provigil make you speed
I think taking Provigil for fatigue fibromyalgia. I wonder if it only help create a new kind of speed or a new drug is really the disease, the constant fatigue?
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Hybrid Car Companies Way Don't American Car Companies Make Hybrid Cars?
Way don't American car companies make hybrid cars? - hybrid car companies
Remember, Saturn, too. You have the Vue and Aura Hybrid. The Aura Hybrid seems like a good alternative to the Camry Hybrid. Much less expensive.
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Equine Courses Equine College Courses?
Equine college courses? - equine courses
I look forward to taking some college courses horses, I am 21 and own a house, married with lots of animals, then go to school, is not an option for me. I work full time. I intend to train a horse riding center, to give instruction to open the race and maybe food. I drove for 13 years, but I do not consider myself knowlodgeable enough to lead a team. Are there any schools in Washington that could take place on the night? Or perhaps the schools in the Internet? Any help is wonderful! Thanks
Friday, January 8, 2010
Probate Will Nj My Father Is A Resident Of Florida And I Live In NJ. I Am His Heir. When He Dies Where Does Will Get Probated?
My father is a resident of Florida and I live in NJ. I am his heir. when he dies where does will get probated? - probate will nj
He lives half the year in New Jersey, but is officially a resident of Florida
Thursday, January 7, 2010
How To Get Myammee Hair What Type Of Weave Does Angela Aka Myammee Have From Flavor Of Love 3. Hair Length, & Texture. Is It Sewn In?
What type of weave does Angela aka Myammee have from Flavor of Love 3. Hair length, & texture. Is it sewn in? - how to get myammee hair
I want a site like this, but all I can think is a wig head. I am the glue for lace wig sick thats the door. Weaving Myammee is fire. Where can I get this stuff? How long does it take and how is it called? It is also glued, sewn or otherwise. If anyone has an idea about this, please help me. Thank you.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Wedding Stage Decoration Best Wedding Planners In Delhi?
Best Wedding Planners in Delhi? - wedding stage decoration
Where can I find the best wedding planners in New Delhi for my wedding this year? Of course he did a fantastic job in her field as a wedding gift theme, catering, flowers, music DJ, background, stage movement, etc.
Thank you in advance for any reply.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Cctv Dvr System Can Anyone Recommend A Wireless CCTV And DVR System?
Can anyone recommend a wireless CCTV and DVR system? - cctv dvr system
In view of improving the security, and I'm happy for wireless CCTV cameras with night vision and a digital recorder to go with him.
Nor can anyone tell me how long it would take notes on the size of several hard disks, for example, 160, 250, 320?
Greetings to all
Monday, January 4, 2010
Teenage Incontinence Urinary Incontinence In Teens?
Urinary incontinence in teens? - teenage incontinence
I am a teenager and I think they suffer from urinary incontinence. Is I think my type is known as urge incontinence, occurs only when I laugh too loud, I have sent four different charities and have no idea how I tell my parents. if anyone knows anything about drugs, or proposals have to tell my parents, please help me! so terrible to be alone in this.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Kona Kikapu In General, Is An Entry-level Dual Suspension Mountain Bike Nicer Than An Entry-level Hardtail?
In general, is an entry-level dual suspension mountain bike nicer than an entry-level hardtail? - kona kikapu
To be more precise, I have a Raleigh Mojave 4.0. With the streets, I do not go now, cut, only me. I have one years thats a Kona Kickapoo in good shape for $ 500. The Mojave 4.0 bikes and Kickapoo are seen at the entrance, but I am sure that the Kickapoo is nicer components. Who knows if theres a difference in quality between the entry-level hardtails and double suspension?
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Locking Hitch Pin I Have A Fifth Wheel Hitch. Do You Lubricate The Locking Jaws That Go Around The Spindle Or Pin On The Rv?
I have a fifth wheel hitch. Do you lubricate the locking jaws that go around the spindle or pin on the rv? - locking hitch pin
Lube Job blocked, the pin will be extended if the hook up
Friday, January 1, 2010
Rpg Iii How Do You Play The Naruto Shippuden RPG Map In Warcraft III?
How do you play the Naruto Shippuden RPG map in Warcraft III? - rpg iii
I downloaded the map of the epic war, but when I play, I start Warcraft III The Frozen Throne, click Single Player, click Customize on the game and go to the download, but I do not see that Bleach VS One Piece card are downloaded my brother for me. I do not know how he does, but what you in your Comp. But that is not home, but I want to play like Help Me!