Sunday, January 10, 2010

Hybrid Car Companies Way Don't American Car Companies Make Hybrid Cars?

Way don't American car companies make hybrid cars? - hybrid car companies

Remember, Saturn, too. You have the Vue and Aura Hybrid. The Aura Hybrid seems like a good alternative to the Camry Hybrid. Much less expensive.


doug0102 said...

Who says so?
There are many Americans are hybrids. Simply go to the official websites of the U.S. automobile manufacturers and check it out.

dj_lonew... said...

not all are easy to put in all markets. But what is an automobile manufacturer in the United States and Chevrolet Chrysler Ford in Mexico and Canada. Besides the big 3 have to import most of the manufacturers. Chevrolet Tahoe Hybrid comes with a choice this fall, ford exhaust Chrsyler and I am sure you have one or 2 also.

Sako Tiberious said...

Who cares? Hybrids are an outdated concept. Use a little less fuel is a problem, just a little worse. The solution is to burn on the use of petroleum fuels and a bit of clean and renewable. As veggy oil.

Umpalump... said...

The electric car project, which started very well ... was killed in a few months ... right? Go to and search for "electric car". Many of these videos will tell you what oil companies are not the manufacturer of killing the electric car. Hybrids? Same thing.

Bigg Dee said...

Hybrids are really a rip off, the price you save on gas by about 5 years to Bălnaca. (Read the report of the goods exempt hybrids February) in 5 years, Ford and Dodge's first hydrogen-car! Check it out! Google it

sam m said...

Ford Escape Hybrid and the Chevy Truck provides for one minutes, but it was a shit what his past, as far as I know

sam m said...

Ford Escape Hybrid and the Chevy Truck provides for one minutes, but it was a shit what his past, as far as I know

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