Saturday, January 9, 2010

Equine Courses Equine College Courses?

Equine college courses? - equine courses

I look forward to taking some college courses horses, I am 21 and own a house, married with lots of animals, then go to school, is not an option for me. I work full time. I intend to train a horse riding center, to give instruction to open the race and maybe food. I drove for 13 years, but I do not consider myself knowlodgeable enough to lead a team. Are there any schools in Washington that could take place on the night? Or perhaps the schools in the Internet? Any help is wonderful! Thanks


Jules said...

I know that Washington State offers a degree in animal science. I have no idea when classes are offered, but might be an option.

goldu4 said...
(Aspen Student Horse: Horse Massage) (series underway is $ 450)
Maybe you could do a paid internship during the win-after school to find only an idea.
Good luck, the right school.

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