Thursday, January 21, 2010

Wedding Shower Thank You Cards Greeting And Salutation For Group Wedding Shower Thank You Card?

Greeting and salutation for group wedding shower thank you card? - wedding shower thank you cards

My Labor Department gave us a wedding shower and I'm not sure how to start or stop the law. Would make I do not use the name of the department - it seems impersonal, but "Dear Friends" sounds like a speech. I do not know how it ended. I do not know how the "honesty would" - "Thanks again" agree?


Helena 24 said...

I have a stationery store, and it is something that really interested me. I'm always in the form of letters of thanks, when my father I was writing at a very young age now, the manufacture and sale of my business! I think that is by writing individual notes to those who gave individual donations, perfect. Write a person who threw the shower and the law. I think, with a contribution large group, a big thank you e-mail is perfectly acceptable. If you write something on paper, it is at the head of the group to merge with the rest of the group are shared. But I think he has handled everything perfectly and an e-mail group should be sufficient. It's OK if it sounds like a speech. All thank you notes, and a point. Dear friends, thank you very much for ... how lucky I have wonderful colleagues etc Thansk again for your attention. signed, you and your friend.
What a nice office and good luck with your marriage.

katie-bu... said...

was supposed to write letters separately to each person that you have a gift. Issued since the time of the individual and the money to buy a present, a personal note to this person is the best. It may be mentioned on the card, how much I appreciate that the plan of the person who contributed to the shower, etc. If the person you know very well, thank you again very much! I bought the guide thank you friend who is really small, cheap book, but it was my life saver when writing thank you notes! Check it out!

Katie G said...

I was told that in the past, have to thank each of the netiquette to send you cards, even if their current group. I have a gift for my wedding terrible group of about 6 different families (Table large baking horrible .... why ????) and I felt compelled to write every family has its own map thanks. It can be hard work, but they will thank you. I am not optimistic about the state of netiquette, but if in doubt, err on the side of the Gentiles;

Katie G said...

I was told that in the past, have to thank each of the netiquette to send you cards, even if their current group. I have a gift for my wedding terrible group of about 6 different families (Table large baking horrible .... why ????) and I felt compelled to write every family has its own map thanks. It can be hard work, but they will thank you. I am not optimistic about the state of netiquette, but if in doubt, err on the side of the Gentiles;

PugMom said...

I still think he should each one a thank you card, even if he was working on a gift. But if you go the way of a map, you can have the announcement and go on writing "Thank you to everyone who generously insert (present here) given. __________ And I thank you for your kindness and consideration. With our warm greetings and _______ _______

Lily8407 said...

Assuming you have a group gift, I would like to address the thank-you card "to all my friends in the accounts" and end with "Thanks again, Kim." If each of them a present staff, or if two people are together, so everybody should get a thank you. (ie love, Kate, Kate and Kathy, or love, if you only two or three people only give thanks every single card)

Anjela said...

To my dear friends in the office

Thank you all very much for giving us a beautiful wedding shower. I really enjoyed it, it means a lot to us that everyone there to celebrate this special occasion.

Thank you to all the others,

Your name

J L C it's me said...

To all my friends ,..... Thank you ever so Sincerely____

J L C it's me said...

To all my friends ,..... Thank you ever so Sincerely____

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