Thursday, January 28, 2010

Ls Magazine #31 Builders Why Are Fox News Viewers Among The Least Informed?

Why are Fox News viewers among the least informed? - ls magazine #31 builders

__________________ HM L
NATIONAL ------------ 35 31 34
DailyShow/Colbert------54 25 21
Main News websites ---- 54 26 20
PBS NewsHour ---------- 53 19 28
O'Reilly Factor ----------- 51 32 17
Radio Nacional Pub ----- 51 27 22
Rush Limbaugh 50 29 21 ----------
News Magazines -------- 48 27 25
TV news websites ------- 44 33 23
Daily Press -------- 43 31 26
CNN Canal ------------ 41 30 29
News Portals ------ 41 35 24
Network News ----------- 38 33 29
Blogs online news ------ 37 26 37
Local TV News ---------- 35 33 32
Fox News Channel ----- 35 30 35
Shows the network of tomorrow - 34 36 30


Anonymous said...

Troveeee ... Once again, his interpretation of statistics is completely wrong.

If 35 percent of Americans fall into the category of knowledge is high, then * all * groups, which show the same (with the exception of the network morning) shows is equal to or above average in knowledge. How can you draw a conclusion that one of these groups are "less well informed" incomprehensible. You run no groups, the "less well informed," which is below average in knowledge.

Do not talk to us about science ... in this issue shows once again that we do not know what he's doing.

iwantmys... said...

Because that is how our leaders preferred

iwantmys... said...

Because that is how our leaders preferred

Jesus loves Ann Coulter said...

Surveys are often given contradictory statements and many are, because, as they are implemented, what it really means very little defective.

FOXNews It is only the network of cable-news channel, is willing to give both sides a fair trial. Thus, almost one in equity.

(I know listerners Rush are right at the beginning)

Jesus loves Ann Coulter said...

Surveys are often given contradictory statements and many are, because, as they are implemented, what it really means very little defective.

FOXNews It is only the network of cable-news channel, is willing to give both sides a fair trial. Thus, almost one in equity.

(I know listerners Rush are right at the beginning)

extton said...

Not that Fox viewers are less informed - is that less well-informed people choose to watch Fox.

Fox has very littly content of the news and a variety of entertainment and reviews.

Something attracts viewers who do not know much, and want to know not much.

TE said...

This is an extract from the source:

"However, there is a clear connection between news formats and what the public knows.

I can not believe that comedy is more meaningful than a news channel.

frugerni... said...

Two reasons:

Fox is not about facts. Almost no facts are presented. All those who have the attitude. Not even trying to be public, what happened or what they actually say, said. Just go with how your audience is seated. For example, while an alcohol and driving with George Bush and there is (as another option) acknowledges that the audience of Fox said that this shows the sincerity of Bush.

Fox does not engage in critical thinking. You'll never define the terms. You never hear an argument explicitly. What do you get to your target audience is triggered a conditioned response through fashion. We talk of liberalism to be bad, but never say what they mean by liberalism. We talk about elitism, but never say what that means.

Given that Fox is not education, but with an audience that is also determined, very hard packed. You know what they are for or against but not what these things or how they work. They rely on Fox to do their thinking

Blue Steel & Lace said...

Well, on the basis that people who watch O'Reilly are better than humans, the CNN informed. So if a person FOX News and O'Reilly, I think it makes more intelligent, and if you look at Fox, O'Reilly and Rush Watches hear of the recent events have to be geniuses!

homertha... said...

To show a lot, CNN

Joey M said...

Why are liberals that investigations as inclined to talk of God? Oh, wait, they do not believe in God. Why do liberals always have to surveys by Statistics without context? Why can not liberals be able to read the results of the study? Why can not liberals understand that these surveys are not an accurate representation of the current population, but a hand in small selected groups corresponds to the thesis of the study? Why liberals do not know what a thesis? Otherwise, do not know why the Liberals, what is a fact that? No poll is not scientific. A poll is a survey of opinions. Science involves a question observations, formulate hypotheses, to monitor implementation of the experiment results and draw a conclusion on the basis of the results are not what I want with the results. If you ask 20 liberals, "are people who watch Fox News idiots?" My results do not represent the actual population of people who FNC Clock.

CH47-C said...

What in the preparation of the A to G?

and socialism said...

Why do libs believe the lies of CNN and Money?

Rick said...

People are constantly asking such stupid questions really pathetic that they have absolutely nothing better to do? The answers to his audience of luxury suit, like an orgasm or what? I have to lose.

Borat Sagdiyev said...

has a delay?

howdiget... said...

How is it that those who see to / read the liberal media have are false.
I do not know where he got that bit of misinformation.
What were the questions? All these statistics can not do anything. Make sure I get exactly the opposite results in the same.

Jadis said...

* * The real question is why you do it? So what? Obviously, you want us to believe that so superior to a Fox News fan, but really, if you * really * a trustworthy person, you should not get their own egos by insulting and generalizations about other raw materials.

Fox has high ratings - Are you seriously trying to understand that you better off than millions of people are *? Or are you saying that Fox News should be taken from the air? Is not that censorship?

You should really try yoga. It helps.

tttplttt... said...

Do you know the answer to your question of why the liberal ideas are not so popular. Check out the liberal answer to this question is rude, condescending, intolerant and negative.

Normal people do not like the negativity all the time YAnswers crowd.

jim_2ooo said...

FNC most viewers describe themselves as Democrts / liberals .... So there meet you.

sarcasm_... said...

I do not know. ...

notyou31... said...

The messages simple and ignorant. You can understand complex issues. Therefore, like Rush, O'Reilly and Beck talks about her stupid children and deliver the message to Bush, at the same time.

writersb... said...

Finally, test hahhahha. Indisputable proof of how Fox Noise decieve the public.

The icing on Fox, because it is one of the things that look good in the Bush administration and the Republicans.

I bet if you ask what diplomacy is all Fox viewers would ask the wrong question.

Gonealot R said...

Fox News, AKA, the Republican press, or the mouth of the White House.

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